- Seals: Characteristics, Senses and Whiskers
- Seals: History, Behavior, Diving, Feeding, Reproduction
- Sea Lions and Fur Seals: Characteristic, Behavior, Senses, Diving, Reproduction
- Seals as Prey for Orcas, Great Whites and Polar Bears
- Seals and Humans: Clothes, Hunts and the Military
- Seal and Sea Lion Attacks on Humans
- Seal Species
- Leopard Seals: Characteristics, Behavior and Penguins
- California Sea Lions and Sea Lion Species
- Fur Seals: Characteristics, Behavior, Species
- Elephant Seals, Their Behavior and Amazing Diving Ability
- Northern Elephant Seals: Characteristics, Behavior, Feeding, Mating
- Southern Elephant Seals: Characteristics, Behavior, Mating