- Commercial Fishing: Consumption, Demand, Leading Nations, Species
- History of Fishing: in the Prehistoric, Ancient, Medieval and Modern Eras
- Benefits of Eating Fish and Choosing the Best Fish to Eat
- Commercial Fishing Industry: Technology, Sectors, Problems
- Types of Commercial Fishing and Nets: Trawling, Longlines, Purse Seiners
- Overfishing: Causes, Effects and Solutions
- Illegal Ocean Fishing
- Aquaculture and Fish Farms
- Commercial Food Fish
- Small Commercial Fishing Fish: Anchovies, Menhaden, Sardines and Herring
- Anchovies: Fishing, Peru, Boom, Bust, Fishmeal and El Nino
- Sardines: Fishing, Crashes and the Great Run off South Africa
- Mackerel: Characteristics, Fishing, Species
- Popular Northern Commercial Fish: Pollock, Turbot and Halibut
- COD: Species, Fishing and Collapse of the Atlantic Cod
- Flatfish Such as Flounder and Sole
- Tuna: Characteristics, Speed, Behavior, Feeding
- Tuna Fishing, Food, Processing and Sandwiches
- Tuna Species: Skipjack, Yellowfin, Albacore, Bigeye
- Yellowfin Tuna: Fishing, Records and a Missing Fisherman
- Skipjack Tuna and Bonito
- Bluefin Tuna: Characteristics, Behavior, Hunting and Mating
- Bluefin Tuna Species: One in the Pacific, One in the South, Two in the Atlantic
- Bluefin Tuna Commercial Fishing
- Bluefin Tuna, Japan and Sushi
- Bluefin Tuna Farming: From Eggs, From Wild Fish
- Low Bluefin Tuna Numbers: Overfishing, Organizations, Quotas and Protests
- Sport Fish: Mahi Mahi, Amberjack, Tarpon
- Sailfish: Characteristics, Speed and Hunting
- Marlin: Characteristics, Species and the Largest Ones Ever Caught Fishing
- Swordfish: Characteristics, Fishing and Attacks on Humans and Sharks
- Wild Salmon: Characteristics, Migrations, Human Food, Declines
- Pacific Salmon Species: Coho and Chinook
- Atlantic Salmon: Characteristics, Migrations and Collapse
- Salmon Farming: History, Problems, Improvements and GM Fish
- Eels: Migration, Japan, Unagi, Big Money
- Eel Farms and the Shady Baby Eel Trade
- Shrimp People Eat: Fishing, Business and Species
- Shrimp Farming: History, Species and Environmental Problems