Energy, Transportation, Communications and Health Care in New Zealand

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Energy Consumption Per Capita: 186.804 million Btu/person (2019 estimate); ranking compared to other countries in the world: 22. [Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Carbon Dioxide Emissions: 40.344 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 estimate)
from coal and metallurgical coke: 5.139 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 estimate)
from petroleum and other liquids: 25.76 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 estimate)
from consumed natural gas: 9.445 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 estimate); ranking compared to other countries in the world: emissions 64.
[Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Pipelines: 331 kilometers condensate, 2,500 kilometers gas, 172 kilometers liquid petroleum gas, 288 kilometers oil, 198 kilometers refined products (2018). [Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Electricity in New Zealand

Access to Electricity: electrification: total population: 100 percent (2021). [Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Electricity Consumption and Production: installed generating capacity: 9.615 million kW (2020 estimate)
consumption: 41,169,838,000 kWh (2019 estimate)
exports: 0 kWh (2020 estimate)
imports: 0 kWh (2020 estimate)
transmission/distribution losses: 2,256,332,000 kWh (2019 estimate)
comparison rankings: installed generating capacity 66; consumption 58; exports 177; imports 184; transmission/distribution losses 82. [Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Sources of Electricity Generation: fossil fuels: 19.5 percent of total installed capacity (2020 estimate)
nuclear: 0 percent of total installed capacity (2020 estimate)
solar: 0.4 percent of total installed capacity (2020 estimate)
wind: 5.3 percent of total installed capacity (2020 estimate)
hydroelectricity: 54.8 percent of total installed capacity (2020 estimate)
tide and wave: 0.1 percent of total installed capacity (2020 estimate)
geothermal: 18.6 percent of total installed capacity (2020 estimate)
biomass and waste: 1.4 percent of total installed capacity (2020 estimate).
[Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Oil, Coal and Natural Gas in New Zealand

Coal: production: 3.226 million metric tons (2020 estimate)
consumption: 3.001 million metric tons (2020 estimate)
exports: 1.14 million metric tons (2020 estimate)
imports: 1.09 million metric tons (2020 estimate)
proven reserves: 7.575 billion metric tons (2019 estimate).
[Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Revenue from Coal: 0.03 percent of GDP (2018 estimate); ranking compared to other countries in the world: 38. [Source: CIA World Factbook 2023]

Petroleum: total petroleum production: 13,400 bbl/day (2021 estimate)
refined petroleum consumption: 184,600 bbl/day (2019 estimate)
crude oil and lease condensate exports: 21,600 bbl/day (2018 estimate)
crude oil and lease condensate imports: 99,900 bbl/day (2018 estimate)
crude oil estimated reserves: 41 million barrels (2021 estimate)
Refined petroleum products: production 115,100 bbl/day (2017 estimate); ranking compared to other countries in the world: 65.
[Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Refined Petroleum Products: Exports: 1,782 bbl/day (2017 estimate); ranking compared to other countries in the world: 106. Imports: 56,000 bbl/day (2017 estimate); ranking compared to other countries in the world: 76. Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Natural Gas: production: 4,771,126,000 cubic meters (2019 estimate)
consumption: 4,946,237,000 cubic meters (2019 estimate)
exports: 0 cubic meters (2021 estimate)
imports: 0 cubic meters (2021 estimate)
proven reserves: 31.148 billion cubic meters (2021 estimate).
[Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Communications in New Zealand

Telephones: Fixed Lines: total subscriptions: 651,000 (2021 estimate); subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 13 (2021 estimate); ranking compared to other countries in the world: subscriptions 84. [Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Mobile Telephones: total subscriptions: 5.846 million (2021 estimate); subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 114 (2021 estimate); ranking compared to other countries in the world: subscriptions 119. [Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Telecommunication Systems: general assessment: the growth areas in in New Zealand’s telecom market have been in mobile broadband and fiber; New Zealand’s mobile market continues to undergo significant developments; the coverage of LTE networks has been supported by the Rural Broadband Initiative rollout, which added a significant number of mobile sites to new or underserved areas; the market is undergoing additional consolidation; offering fixed and mobile services (2023).

Domestic: fixed-line roughly 13 per 100 and mobile-cellular telephone subscribership 114 per 100 persons (2021). International: country code: 64; landing points for the Southern Cross NEXT, Aqualink, Nelson-Levin, SCCN and Hawaiki submarine cable system providing links to Australia, Fiji, American Samoa, Kiribati, Samo, Tokelau, US and around New Zealand; satellite earth stations: 8 (1 Inmarsat: Pacific Ocean, 7 other) (2019). [Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Broadcast Media: state-owned Television New Zealand operates multiple TV networks and state-owned Radio New Zealand operates 3 radio networks and an external shortwave radio service to the South Pacific region; a small number of national commercial TV and radio stations and many regional commercial television and radio stations are available; cable and satellite TV systems are available, as are a range of streaming services (2019).

Internet Users: total: 4.896 million (2021 estimate); Percent of the Population: 96 percent (2021 estimate); ranking compared to other countries in the world: 94; Broadband: Fixed Subscriptions: total: 1,764,984 (2020 estimate); subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 37 (2020 estimate); ranking compared to other countries in the world: 61. Internet Country Code: .nz [Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Transportation in New Zealand

Railways: total: 4,128 kilometers (2018); narrow gauge: 4,128 kilometers (2018) 1.067-m gauge (506 kilometers electrified); ranking compared to other countries in the world: 42. [Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Roads: total: 94,000 kilometers (2017); paved: 61,600 kilometers (2017) (includes 199 kilometers of expressways); unpaved: 32,400 kilometers (2017); ranking compared to other countries in the world: 52. [Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Water Transport: Merchant Marine: total: 116; By Type: container ship 1, general cargo 12, oil tanker 5, other 98 (2022); ranking compared to other countries in the world: 85; Ports and Terminals: major seaport(s): Auckland, Lyttelton, Manukau Harbor, Marsden Point, Tauranga, Wellington

Air Transportation in New Zealand

National Air Transport System: number of registered air carriers: 15 (2020); inventory of registered aircraft operated by air carriers: 199; annual passenger traffic on registered air carriers: 17,249,049 (2018); annual freight traffic on registered air carriers: 1,349,300,000 (2018) mt-km; Civil aircraft registration country code prefix: ZK. [Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Airports: 123 (2021); ranking compared to other countries in the world: 47; Airports: with paved runways: 39. note: paved runways have a concrete or asphalt surface but not all have facilities for refueling, maintenance, or air traffic control; the length of a runway required for aircraft to safely operate depends on a number of factors including the type of aircraft, the takeoff weight (including passengers, cargo, and fuel), engine types, flap settings, landing speed, elevation of the airport, and average maximum daily air temperature; paved runways can reach a length of 5,000 meters (16,000 feet), but the “typical” length of a commercial airline runway is between 2,500-4,000 meters (8,000-13,000 feet).

Airports with Unpaved Runways: 84. note: unpaved runways have a surface composition such as grass or packed earth and are most suited to the operation of light aircraft; unpaved runways are usually short, often less than 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) in length; airports with unpaved runways often lack facilities for refueling, maintenance, or air traffic control. [Source: CIA World Factbook, 2023]

Health Care in New Zealand

Health Expenditures: 10 percent of GDP (2020). [Source: CIA World Factbook 2023]

Number of Doctors: 3.62 physicians per 1,000 people (2020). [Source: CIA World Factbook 2023]

Number of Hospital Beds: 2.6 beds per 1,000 people (2019). [Source: CIA World Factbook 2023]

Sanitation Access: improved: urban: 100 percent of population; rural: 100 percent of population; total: 100 percent of population; unimproved: urban: 0 percent of population; rural: 0 percent of population; total: 0 percent of population (2020). [Source: CIA World Factbook 2023]

Drinking Water Source: improved: urban: 100 percent of population; rural: 100 percent of population; total: 100 percent of population; unimproved: urban: 0 percent of population; rural: 0 percent of population; total: 0 percent of population (2020 estimate). [Source: CIA World Factbook 2023]

Image Sources:

Text Sources: CIA World Factbook, 2023; “Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Volume 2: Oceania,” edited by Terence E. Hays, 1991, Wikipedia, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Times of London, Lonely Planet Guides, Library of Congress, The Guardian, National Geographic, Smithsonian magazine, The New Yorker, Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, BBC, CNN, and various books, websites and other publications.

Last updated August 2023

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